
College Completed the Assessment on the Cultural Construction at Working Places    (2014-11-20 16:00:00)

The working places of instructers are an important platform to show their spirituality and elegant demeanour, and their lofty duties “Learn to be an Excallent teacher; Act as an Examplary Person”. Based on reality, College held the assessment acticity on the cultural construction at instructors’ working place at the beginning of November.

Based on the requirements and principles of frugality, elegance, graceful, cleanliness and practice, College invited Wu Lipin,deputy director general from Students Affairs Office, Ren Zezhong, deputy director, Zhou Xian, the vice-president in College and other three to be judges. The assessment was carried out among the instructors working office in Jiangjiang campus, Mengxi campus and Zhongshan campus, league committee office, and other three offices. After selection, the 3rd Students Affairs office was assessed as the best and the office table of Luo Jianfeng, the director of 3rd Students Affairs office, was chosen as the best table.

All the instructors have put the theory “Promote Construction by Means of Evaluation”in practice through the assessment. They have built a favorable office environment and harmonious working atomosphere. The practice also promoted the cultural taste of work for students and even the level of the College’s ability to handle students affairs.

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